Sunday, June 02, 2024

These Songs...

Art by  someoneelsesaidit

6 years ago these songs were on my Deezer playlist and indeed so in love listening to them.

And yes, even up to this time it still makes me chill just like before...

"Listening to 'Stolen' by Dashboard Confessional, 'Girl be Mine' by Francis Magalona, and 'You & Me Song' by The Wannadies is like revisiting a treasure trove of memories, each note and lyric a precious reminder of the love and connection we shared. 

These songs, dedicated to me, continue to evoke the same emotions and chills as they did when they were first played, a testament to their enduring impact on my heart and soul."

"As the melancholic melody of 'Stolen' by Dashboard Confessional fills the air, I am reminded of the bittersweet moments we shared, the stolen glances and lingering emotions that still resonate deep within my soul. This song captures the raw intensity of love and loss, weaving a tapestry of emotions that never fail to tug at my heartstrings."

'Girl Be Mine' by Francis Magalona is a timeless classic that speaks to the romantic in all of us. It's soulful lyrics and captivating rhythm paint a vivid picture of love's enduring power and the indelible mark it leaves on our hearts. Whenever this song plays on my playlist, I am transported back to a time when love felt infinite and possibilities were endless."

"In the gentle strums of 'You & Me Song' by The Wannadies, I find solace and joy in the simplicity of love's purest form. This song, with its infectious beat and uplifting lyrics, remains a constant companion in my daily playlist, serving as a reminder of the beauty that exists in the small moments shared with a loved one. Listening to this song still gives me chills, a testament to its timeless appeal and emotional resonance."

#Stolen, #GirlBeMine, #You&MeSong,

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