Wednesday, June 19, 2024

And Why?


Why was SNOW WHITE given a poisonous apple?
-To show us that not all people are loyal and good-hearted.

Why did CINDERELLA flee the castle when the clock strikes 12?
-To remind us that everything has limitations, even our dreams.

Why did SLEEPING BEAUTY wait a thousand years for that 1 kiss?
-To show us that true love can wait.

Why was the beautiful BELLE so in love with the ugly BEAST?
-To remind us that love goes beyond appearances.

Why did ARIEL the mermaid choose to marry a man and give up his tails?
-To let us know that love makes sacrifices.

Why did JASMIN fall in love with the thief?
-To show us that it doesn't matter who you are, love will find a way.

And why were these movies produced?
-To make us believe that every story ends with a HAPPY FOREVER ENDING.

If you're not happy?
Then it's not the end for you to look for your Happy Ever After.


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