Thursday, September 15, 2016


When someone does something to you that is unforgiveable,
There's only one thing to do, Forgive them.

We need to exit any interaction that is toxic, not just
Physically but mentally and emotionally too.

That means we don’t volunteer to carry around hate.
Wishing someone ill, hoping that they get what's coming to them, wanting them to suffer because of what they did, we think that thinking this way, makes us feel better and lighter, but it makes us feel worse and heavier, weigh down by the bitterness in our hearts.

We think we are making the other person suffer by not forgiving them, that they will bad all the way to their grave but it is not possible to impose conscience onto a person.

When we don't forgive, it just means that we are the only one who still cares. Forgiveness is the key to truly ending our own suffering.

If you already suffered once because of someone else's actions, not forgiving them is suffering twice or a million times. Because even if we don't see the person anymore, even if time has passed, you'll still feel the pain, every time you think of the person or the incident.

When someone has wronged you, think of how much they must be suffering to say these things, to do these things, only someone truly unhappy would be like that to another human being. Every hurt that inflict, every temper they throw, every abuse they mete out, it's because of their own inability to be happy.

Now the best thing for us to do, is not to be like them, is to live a happy life. Maybe they've left physical scars, but don't allow them to leave emotional scars too.

Forgiveness is hard, but only if we think of it as a sacrifice to our pride, or justice. Forgiveness is simply letting go. We forgive to let go. Letting go is never for the person who has wronged us, it is for ourselves. Letting go of hate is the best gift we can ever give ourselves.

You already suffered, now don't continue to suffer.

Forgive let go, and allow yourself to move forward in life and to be happy, always.

Location: Manila E Rd, Pililla, Rizal, Philippines

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