Monday, November 26, 2018

The Beauty of Graveyards

Do you know what I love about graveyards?

It is the beauty and simplicity of silence.

"In the stillness of a graveyard, nature weaves its own tapestry of tranquility and beauty."

"Graveyards are sacred gardens where stories of lives once lived whisper through the rustling leaves."

 "Beneath the solemn shadows of gravestones, a hidden harmony exists, 
where life and death dance together in eternal embrace."

"A graveyard is a testament to the ephemeral nature of life, 
reminding us to treasure every moment."

"The hallowed ground of a graveyard holds the fragments of countless stories,
each one a reminder of the rich tapestry of human existence."

"As flowers bloom upon gravestones, 
they serve as a gentle reminder that life finds its way even amidst the echoes of the past."

"Amidst the somber silence, a graveyard becomes a sanctuary for reflection, 
inviting contemplation of life's purpose and meaning."


Location: Las Pinas, Metro Manila, Philippines

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