Monday, April 17, 2017

Takipsilim sa Manila Bay

In the final moments of daylight, the sun paints the sky with its awe-inspiring masterpiece, leaving us in wonder and awe."

"With each sunset, the world transforms into a canvas of vibrant hues, reminding us that even in darkness, there is beauty."

"As the sun descends, it paints the sky with a magnificent tapestry of colors, reminding us of the beauty that can be found in letting go."

"In the embrace of twilight, the setting sun whispers stories of endings and new beginnings, reminding us of the cycle of life."

"The setting sun casts its golden glow as if to say, 'Even in farewell, there is inherent beauty and grace.'"

"As the sun kisses the horizon, it reminds us to let go of the worries of the day and embrace the peace that comes with twilight."

 "The setting sun carries with it a sense of tranquility, inviting us to slow down, breathe, and find solace in the present moment."

"The setting sun paints the sky in vibrant hues, leaving a trail of magic behind, a gift for those who take the time to look up."


Location: Malate, Pasay, Metro Manila, Philippines

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