Monday, April 01, 2024

Greenbelt 1 Makati

Photo credit to the rightful owner, taken from the FaceBook page of Daily Tribune

🌿 *"Starting April 1, 2024- Greenbelt 1 closes its doors after nearly three decades of memories, leaving behind a trail of nostalgia and cherished moments.

The echoes of laughter, the whispers of conversations, and the footsteps of countless visitors intertwine to create a tapestry of experiences that will forever linger in our hearts. 

Though the physical space may fade, the memories within its walls remain etched in the fabric of our lives, reminding us of the joy, connection, and stories we shared in this beloved sanctuary."* πŸŒ†πŸ•°️

Every moment and step made on the floor of this mall captures the bittersweet sentiment of remembering Greenbelt 1 and the special moments created there over the years.


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