Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Hearty and Troy

"Cousins are the woven threads of our family tapestry, connecting us with a vibrant blend of shared roots and unique personalities. They are the ever-present companions on this journey called life, walking beside us through laughter, tears, and everything in between. Cousins, with their genuine smiles and loving hearts, sprinkle our lives with a touch of magic and a sense of belonging.

In the tapestry of our family, cousins bring a kaleidoscope of colors, adding depth and richness to the fabric of our collective story. They are the ones who build forts in the living room, share secrets under the stars, and create memories that become the foundation of who we are. Their laughter becomes the soundtrack of our childhood, forever echoing with familiarity and warmth.

Cousins are the playmates and confidants who grow alongside us, weathering the storms and celebrating the triumphs of life. With their unwavering support and shoulder to lean on, they remind us that we are never alone. They are the ones who stand by us, hand in hand, during both the unforgettable milestones and the ordinary moments that shape our lives.

Through the years, our cousins evolved into trusted friends, offering a safe space where we could be ourselves without judgment or pretense. They see us for who we are and accept us unconditionally, embracing our flaws and celebrating our strengths. In their presence, we find comfort, understanding, and an unwritten language that only cousins can speak.

Cousins, with their unique blend of shared heritage and individuality, teach us the value of diversity and acceptance. They broaden our horizons, introducing us to new perspectives, cultures, and traditions. Like branches on a tree, our cousin relationships branch out, expanding the family tree to include a colorful bouquet of experiences and stories.

This is Hearty and Troy looking from our bedroom window, bored of nothing to do but to sit there and enjoy their time looking over the cars passing by Las Pinas River Drive.


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