Thursday, July 11, 2019

iStariray23 Photos_Lamp Post

When I'm away, I will remember how you kissed me
Under the lamppost back on Sixth Street
Hearing you whisper through the phone
"Wait for me to come home"

"In the quiet of the night, lamp posts become beacons of hope, casting light on our path and filling us with a sense of security."

"Lamp posts are silent witnesses to countless stories—whispering secrets shared underneath their warm embrace."

"The soft glow of a lamp post invites us to slow down, to appreciate the beauty in the ordinary moments of life."

"The warm golden light of a lamp post envelops the streets, creating a sense of nostalgia and longing."

"Under the gaze of a full moon, the world becomes bathed in its ethereal light, transforming ordinary scenes into something magical."

"The full moon's presence invokes a sense of serenity as if the light itself carries the secrets of the cosmos and whispers them to those who listen."

"When the world slumbers, lamp posts remain vigilant, keeping the night aglow with their constant companionship."

"With each full moon, nature's wonders are unveiled, as if the universe dances in celebration of life's eternal mysteries."

"With the full moon shining high above, the night becomes a stage for possibilities, where dreams may blossom and destinies unfold."

Location: Las Pinas, Metro Manila, Philippines

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