Thursday, June 21, 2018

Colective Nouns

Mommy Mode On again!

Kiddos Assignment again and sharing these to other Momshie's/Mommies/Mama out there.

What is Noun?

a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things common noun, or to name a particular one of these proper noun.

A noun is a part of speech that names a person, place, thing, idea, action or quality. All nouns can be classified into two groups of nouns, either common or proper.

*Proper nouns refer to the individual name of a person, place or thing.
*Common nouns can be divided into: abstract, collective, compound, concrete - countable, concrete - uncountable and verbal.

Types and Examples of Nouns
The chart below includes the various types of proper and common nouns as well as definitions and examples of each type of noun:

Article taken from YOUR DICTIONARY.COM

Collective Noun-  is a noun which describes a group of things or people. It means collective noun is a single noun that is made up of more than one thing or person or etc. For example: album, block, set, pair.

For Food/Things
a loaf of bread
a piece of paper
a slice of pizza
a bolt of lightning
a deck of cards
a bunch of grapes
a tube of toothpaste
a piece of advice
a gallon of gasoline
a kilo of sugar
a can of Pepsi
a box of cereal
a bowl of soup
a tub of margarine
a bar of soap
a carton of milk

an album of autographs
an album of photographs
an album of stamps
an anthology of poems
an archipelago of islands
a bale of cotton
a basket of fruits
a batch of bread
a battery of guns
a block of flats
a book of notes
a bouquet of flowers
a bowl of rice
a bunch of bananas
a bunch of flowers
a bunch of grapes
a bunch of keys
a bundle of rags/old clothes
a bundle of firewood/sticks
a bundle of hay
a catalogue of prices/goods
a chest of drawers
a cluster of coconuts
a cluster of grapes
a cloud of dust
a clump of bushes
a clump of trees
a collection of coins
a comb of bananas
a hail of bullets
a hand of bananas
a harvest of wheat/corn
a heap of rubbish
a heap of ruins
a hedge of bushes
a heap of stones
a library of books
an outfit of clothes
an orchard of fruits trees
a pack of cards
a pack of lies
a packet of cigarettes
a packet of letters
a pair of shoes
a quiver of arrows
a range of hills or mountains
a ream of papers
a reel of thread/film
a set of china
a set of clubs
a sheaf of corns
a sheaf of grains
a sheaf of wheat
a shower of rain
a stack of hay
a stack of wood
a string of beads
a string of pearls

Collective Nouns for Animal Groups
a congregation of alligators
a nest, army, colony, or swarm of ants
a shrewdness or troops of apes
a pace,herd, or drove of asses
a troop of baboons
a cete of badgers
a sloth or sleuth of bears
a family or colony of beavers
a grist, swarm, nest, or hive of bees
a sounder or singular of boars
an obstinacy, heard, troop, or gang of buffalo
a flutter of butterflies
a wake of buzzards
a train, caravan, or flock of camels
a heard of caribou
a clowder, cluster, glaring or pounce of cats
an army of caterpillars
a herd or drove of cattle
a brood or peeps of chickens
a coalition of cheetahs
an intrusion of cockroaches
a gulp of cormorants
a bask or float of crocodiles
a murder of crows 
a herd of deer
a pack of dogs
an orc, dule, flight, or pitying of doves
a paddling , flock, or raft of ducks
a convocation or aerie of eagles
a bed or swarm of eels
a herd or memory of elephants
a herd or gang of elk
a mob of emus
a business of ferrets
a charm of finches
a school or shoal of fish
a stand or flamboyance of flamingos
a swarm, cloud, or business of flies
a leash, skulk, or troop of foxes
an army of frogs
a goggle or skein of geese
a herd, corps, or tower of giraffes
a swarm, cloud, or horde of gnats
a flock, tribe, herd, or trip of goats
a troubling of goldfish 
a band or troop of gorillas
a cloud of grasshopper
a colony of gulls
a down or husk of hares
a boil, cost, or kettle of hawks
a hedge or siege of heron
a bloat of hippos
a herd or band of horses
a mute, brace, pack of hounds
a cockle of hyenas
a bond, party, or scold of jays
a smack, brood or jellyfish 
a mob, herd, or troop of kangaroos

an exaltation of larks
a leap of leopards
a pride of lions
a lounge of lizards
a tiding of magpies
a nest of mice
a labor of moles
a troop or cartload of monkeys
a herd of moose
a barren, span, or pack of mules
a romp of otter
a team, yoke, or drove of oxen
a parliament of owls
a bed of oysters
a company or pandemonium of parrots
an ostentation, pride or muster of peacocks
a pod of pelicans
a rookery or colony of penguins
a bouquet or nye of pheasants 
a herd or sounder of pigs
a string of ponies
a prickle or porcupines
a school or pod of porpoises 
a coterie of prairie dogs
a bevy or covey of quail
a nest or warren of rabbits
a gaze or nursery of raccoons 
a rhumbo or rattlesnakes
an unkindness or conspiracy of ravens
a crash or stubbornness of rhinoceroses
a building or clamor of rooks
a family of sardines
a pod, harem, herd, or colony of seals
a school, shoal, or shiver of sharks
a flock or fold of sheep
a bed, knot, den, or nest of snakes
a host, or ubiquity of sparrows
a clutter of spiders
a dray or scurry of squirrels
a chattering or murmuration of starlings
a mustering of storks
a flight or gulp of swallows
a bevy, herd, or bank of swans
a sounder, drift, herd, or drove of swine
an ambush or streak of tigers
a nest or knot of toads
a hover of trout
a rafter, dole, or flock or turkeys
a bale, or turn of turtles
a blessing of unicorns
a huddle or herd of walruses
a colony, pack, sneak, or gang of weasels
a pod, school, mob, or gam of whales
a pack or rout of wolves
a wisdom of wombats
a descent of woodpeckers
a herd, zeal, or cohort of zebras 

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