Friday, June 22, 2018

Mikoy- A Cigarette Addict

A dear friend of mine confided to me his desire of quitting his long ciggie addiction. He's been experiencing some other health issues that make him totally decide to ditch his vices. I was a witness to how he overcomes those struggles and trials that come along his journey towards a cigarette-free life.

I can feel his eagerness to totally let go and be freed from a prison cell that kept him for years. When he finally spoke and told me about how a ciggie consumed his very life and soul- and how it kills him slowly- I believed him. He has been a slave by that small yet powerful stick all his life. I didn't ask him to stop, though I kept reminding him of the effects this tiny stick could do on his health. 

Making him stop, I know would kill him and would cause a constant argument between us. Thus, I let him be thinking that each one of us does have a choice. The choice to continue and a choice to stop and move on. Until recently, he opened his door to totally let go and give up smoking. He is already decided and willing. He is ready to face the fact, that his friends will question his sanity laugh at him, and will take his confession as a joke.

Let me share his FB confession on this page.

Confession of a Cigarette Addict

I started smoking way back in high school. It was a taste out of curiosity, little did I know became a habit, and as days go by becomes an addiction. My mind became a prisoner to the necessity of my cigarette. My ciggie addiction runs the entire course of my day and carries over into the night. When you start to puff a stick, the cigarette starts to take over you.

Stress caught me up during my College life. I fell in love, fell out of love, met new friends, projects, and thesis kept pouring in, and smoking relaxes me. After graduation, I was faced with a bigger problem that makes my world collapses and depression hit me so hard-drinking and smoking became my constant companion. I didn't want anything else but to drown myself in liquor and cigarette. I didn't mind what the effects of these vices can do to my body way back then and thus I continued. I've been smoking for ages now, more than a pack of ciggy a day is just like candy that I could easily finish in one sitting. It has been part of my everyday life- before and after every meal, before taking a bath, while pooping, while taking my coffee, during every free time I got-I need my daily or should I say an hourly dose of nicotine.

Until recently, I woke up one morning and said to myself I do not want to smoke anymore. I am not getting any younger I know, and I don't want to waste the remaining years of my life living like this. I don't want to wake up one day and find my health deteriorating because of these vices that I have had with me over the years. There are instances, that I easily get tired just walking a few blocks away. Sometimes, I ran out of breath by using the stairs, and requires me to stop for a long while, just to have normal breathing. I wanted to break loose and live a much healthier lifestyle. I don't want one day, these will take a toll on me as I slowly experience it.

I am an addict, yes, I am a cigarette addict for so many years. I know, I will receive criticism from everyone who will be reading this post. People will judge me, friends will laugh at me, ridicule me mock me, and take this as a joke as I chose to change. And yes, I am ready.

It's been a month now since I quit smoking. 

The struggle is so real and intense that makes me want to give up, but hell NO!!! 

To all my friends who are currently reading this post don't laugh at me and question my very reason for doing. Your encouragement is greatly needed and will be appreciated.

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at, change."

a once Cigarette Addict


Location: Dammam Saudi Arabia

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