Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Photo Dump📷_Dear Joe

Dear Joe,

As I sat there at our special meeting place, my heart filled with anticipation and excitement to see you once again. But as the minutes turned into hours, the crushing reality slowly seeped in – you didn't show up. The pain of your absence left me shattered, wondering what went wrong, longing to hear your voice, to feel your touch.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and yet, not a word from you. It was a friend who delivered the devastating news – you were gone, taken by a cruel twist of fate on that very day we were supposed to reunite. My heart broke all over again, this time for a loss so profound, it felt surreal.

The promise you made to me, of love enduring beyond time and space, still echoes in my soul. I cling to the hope that perhaps our love transcends this earthly realm, that somewhere beyond, you're waiting for me as I wait for you. The ache of longing lingers, the memories of our love etched deeply in my being.

Until we meet again, Joe, may our love story remain etched in the stars, a testament to a love that defies time and circumstance. Forever yours, even in the silence of absence.

With a heart full of love and yearning,

I will wait...



#DearJoe, #DearJoeCafe, #DearJoePH,
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