Monday, August 05, 2019

It's been Raining in Makati City

"As the rainy season blankets the world in its watery embrace, it offers a reminder that even amidst dark skies and stormy weather, there is always a silver lining waiting to reveal itself, bringing with it newfound growth, resilience, and hope."

"A rainy day is an opportunity for reflection, as if each raindrop carries a piece of wisdom, whispering secrets of nature's mysteries."

"Rainy weather holds a special kind of magic, where the gloominess outside creates the perfect cocoon for warmth and coziness inside."

"The pitter-patter of rain provides a comforting rhythm, offering solace to those seeking solace in the midst of chaos."

"Just as rain cleanses the air, it also has the power to cleanse our souls, washing away negativity and refreshing our spirits."

"The mesmeric allure of the rainy season lies not only in the sight of raindrops falling from the heavens but also in the sweet fragrance that fills the air, as Earth's aromas are released from their slumber, creating a sensory symphony that delights both the nose and the soul."

View the entire album here iStariray23 Photos-Raining Makati


Location: Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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