Friday, May 10, 2019

iStariray23 Photos - Life Sprouting

Saw some life sprouting out of these turnip left in our kitchen.

It just so amazing how life grows out of this despite being left alone in that cold kitchen basket.

No attention was given yet life started to germinate...

"A sprout is a tiny reminder that even in the darkest moments, life persists and seeks a way to bloom."

"Life sprouting is nature's perpetual dance of resilience, showing us that no matter how many times we fall, we have the power to rise again."

"The resilience of a sprout mirrors the strength within us; it reminds us that we too can weather life's storms and come out stronger."

= = = = = = = = =  = = = = 

Another photo of the day 05.10.19 Friday MNL

Summer blue sky of Las PiΓ±as...

"The colors of the sky at twilight serve as a gentle reminder that even endings can be beautiful."

"In the brilliance of a clear sky, we find solace and clarity for the challenges that lie beneath."

"The sound of an airplane reminds us that humans can defy gravity, inspiring us to soar above our limitations."

"When you look up and see an airplane passing overhead, it's a gentle reminder that there are endless possibilities waiting to be explored."

"An airplane in the sky is a symbol of adventure, whispering to us that there are infinite possibilities awaiting us beyond our comfort zones."


Location: Las Pinas, Metro Manila, Philippines

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