Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Random Morning Photos

Such a lovely day!

Thank you dear Lord Jesus for another day...

A lovely sight to behold, seeing this view when you opened the door of your bedroom. 

"The morning air carries the whispers of inspiration, urging us to chase our dreams and live our fullest lives." 

"Every sunrise is a reminder that we have been blessed with another opportunity to embrace the beauty of life."

"As the world awakens to the melody of birdsong, we are reminded of the symphony of possibilities that each new day brings."

In the early hours of the morning, there exists a sacred silence, a moment to reflect, and a chance to connect with our inner selves."

"The morning sun peeks through the curtains, whispering promises of new beginnings and inviting us to embrace the day with open arms."


Then you see this view of the sky right in front of you as you walk out of your village looking for a tricycle.

That blue summer sky and green tree leaves, so is the dancing clouds made you smile in amazement at how lovely and beautiful and wonderful is the Lord to you....

"The bright blue sky above us is a gentle reminder that even the darkest storms will pass, making way for the light to shine through."


Then upon walking a little while going to your office, this is the view...

Sky scrapper looking tall and that clear blue sky with very thin dancing clouds up there...

"The azure-blue sky invites us to set our sights high, to dream without limits, and to believe that anything is possible."

"The boundless expanse of the blue sky serves as a reminder that we are part of something greater, connected to the vast universe that stretches beyond our imagination."

"The clear blue sky radiates a sense of purity and clarity, wiping away the cobwebs of our minds and inviting us to see the world with fresh perspectives."


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