Friday, January 20, 2017

Little Tots

Can somebody tell me, who can resist all these adorable, lovable, naughty, cutie little tots?

Because I can't... :)

Moments with my kiddos, nieces, and nephews were indeed priceless.

Gone are the days when the only baby we have inside our family is Jedi.

Now, there are many cutie patoties that give life inside our home.

"A niece & nephew is a precious gift that brings joy and laughter into our lives, reminding us of the beauty of innocence."

"Being an aunt to my beloved niece & nephew has taught me that love knows no boundaries, as it transcends blood relations and creates lasting connections."

"It is in the eyes of my niece & nephew that I find the reflection of the future, filled with endless possibilities and untapped potential."

"Through the laughter and tears, my niece & nephew have taught me the true meaning of resilience and strength, inspiring me to face adversity with grace and courage."

"Nieces & nephews have the uncanny ability to brighten even the darkest of days, infusing our lives with their infectious laughter and warm smiles."

"Nieces & nephews are the living proof that love multiplies when shared, as their presence in our lives adds depth, meaning, and sheer happiness."

"Having nieces and nephews means having an army of little warriors, bravely fighting our battles with us, cheering us on, and reminding us of our strength."

"Nieces and nephews are the living embodiment of possibility, their dreams and aspirations inspiring us to never settle, always reaching for the stars."

"To be an aunt or uncle is to have a front-row seat in witnessing the incredible transformation of a child into a remarkable individual, filled with unique talents and passions."

"In the eyes of our nieces and nephews, we see innocence and wonder, refreshing our perspectives and teaching us to embrace life's simple pleasures."

"Nieces and nephews are the bridges between generations, connecting the wisdom of the past with the promise of the future, weaving a tapestry of love that withstands the test of time."

"Family is the first school of love and compassion, where we learn to forgive, to understand, and to cherish the precious connections that shape our lives."

"When life becomes overwhelming, family is the refuge where we find solace, strength, and the reminder that we are never alone on this journey."

The greatest gift a family can give is the belief in one another, nurturing dreams, encouraging growth, and empowering each member to reach their fullest potential."

"Through the ups and downs, the family remains the one constant, the rock upon which we lean, finding guidance, strength, and unwavering support."


Location: Las Pinas, Metro Manila, Philippines

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