Friday, July 11, 2008


"If it feels good do it, right? 
Besides, we're in love."

It's in the movies, commercials, and the music we listen to. It's suggested by the way people dress. 
Sex is here to stay and it is a part of our life.

Believe it or not, sex was designed by God. God not only created man and woman differently physically for sex, but he also created them differently from other forms of animals. Men and women have the ability to think rationally and to feel emotional. Although sexual relationships result in children, God also intended for sex to be pleasurable.

Everything that God created has a purpose.
But everything that God created also had ordered. God's design for sex, therefore, needs to be understood in the context of marriage, love, and lifetime commitment. Otherwise, the relationship results in confusion, conflict, and chaos. Sex that is practiced out of God's plan often results in unwanted pregnancies, abortion, rape, and other forms of sexual abuse and various tragic diseases, including AIDS.

Jesus honored the marriage commitment. His first public miracle was performed at a wedding. Shortly afterward, he met a woman at a well who had led a very promiscuous life. She had been married five times and was living with a man who was not her husband. Jesus told her that there is an inner thirst that can only be satisfied by the "Living Water" that comes from God. He explained that seeking to fulfill inner desires with outward pleasures will never truly satisfy.

The good news is that Jesus does not condemn us for our past lifestyles not living in keeping with God's purposes. Those who choose to have sexual relations with their marriage partner for life will certainly receive lasting joy and pleasures.

My Prayer for this...

Loving Father, I thank you for creating me with purpose and order. Today I choose to live my sexual life in accordance with Your plans and will keep myself pure until marriage. Keep me from impure thoughts and temptations and help me to make the right choices based on Your Word and not to be influenced by what I hear and see in the world around me. 

In Jesus' name


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