Saturday, June 28, 2008


"You're no good for anything." - Have you ever been told this?
"I'm ugly." "I'm no good at sports or in my work." - Have you ever told yourself this?

Perhaps you have even looked at yourself in the mirror and wished that you were someone else? Maybe a famous actor or sports hero? If you answer yes, you're in good company. Probably everyone who has ever lived wished that they could change at least one physical feature: their nose, their complexion. their height, weight-something...

But beautiful people can be scared in accidents. Some wealthy people are very insecure, always worried about losing their money or their possessions. Jesus, the Son of God, was offered all the riches of the world by Satan if only He would worship Satan. Jesus answered: "Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only."

Jesus, also the greatest teacher who ever walked this earth, knows that Satan's strategy is to keep our focus off God and the importance of inward beauty and character. He taught His disciples that blessings, true happiness, and lasting benefits are the result of seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness.

If we rely on beauty, wealth, possessions, friendships, and other outward aspects of our life for our self-worth, we may find temporary fulfillment and happiness. But true, lasting worth can be measured only in spiritual terms.

My Prayer for this...

Thank you, God, for creating me in Your image, with a body, a soul, and a spirit. I choose to develop friendships that will help me focus on the inward beauty of character. Help me to understand Your purposes for my life that will bring true and lasting happiness. In Jesus' name- AMEN...

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