Thursday, March 26, 2020

Moments_Puting Van

#sadlayf, #angsadnoh, #hugot, #hugot101, #hugotlines, #hugotpa, #hugotpamore, #hugotfeels, #hugotpinoy, #hugotniistartariray23, #istariray23moments, #istariray23hugotlines, #sadlife, #truthslap...

Friday, March 20, 2020

COVID19_Effect to Mankind and Mother Earth

I don't know if you agree, but something invisible came and put everything in its place. Suddenly the gasoline went down, pollution went down, people started to have more time - so much time that they do not know what to do with it - parents are spending time with their kids as a family, work is...

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Able to make this one, very timely on the crises that we are currently experiencing. People were into panic buying and almost nothing left for those who have no money of with lesser money. I hope people will open their eyes and understand... #sadlayf, #angsadnoh, #hugot, #hugot101, #hugotlines,...

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Moments_Stop Hoarding

On this times of crises, and people were so into panic buying. . . #sadlayf, #angsadnoh, #hugot, #hugot101, #hugotlines, #hugotpa, #hugotpamore, #hugotfeels, #hugotpinoy, #hugotniistartariray23, #istariray23moments, #istariray23hugotlines, #sadlife, #truthslap ...

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

NCOV19_Bills To Pay

Thanking these companies for understanding our situation in times like this. . . NCOV19 is really not a joke and it will somehow stop the usual life most of us have. #istariray23moments, #NCOV19, #NCOV20, #NCOVID19, #quarantine, #lockeddown, #MetroManilaLockedDown...

Monday, March 16, 2020

Sunday, March 15, 2020

NCOV19_1st Day of Metro Manila Locked Down

The photo was taken on our 2nd checkpoint before entering PITX This short video is about my experience during the 1st Day of Locked Down😔. Please visit my YouTube Channel at iStar-Tayiray23😉 It would be very hard to go to the office today since military personnel was all over ...

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Moments_Social Distancing

#sadlayf, #angsadnoh, #hugot, #hugot101, #hugotlines, #hugotpa, #hugotpamore, #hugotfeels, #hugotpinoy, #hugotniistartariray23, #istariray23moments, #istariray23hugotlines, #sadlife, #truthslap ...

Friday, March 13, 2020

Photos_Night after the Locked Down

After the President announced Metro Manila Locked down due to the NCOV19 situation this coming 15th March 2020 I saw the moon shining so brightly tonight. It just kept me thinking will our industry will be greatly affected? I was looking at the moon as if asking this question to be answered . ....

Thursday, March 12, 2020

NCOV19_Metro Manila Locked Down 13March2020

And the President of the Philipines now has spoken, Yesterday, 12MAR20 evening the President held a press conference pertaining to the NCOV19 situation. Metro Manila will be placed in locked down to avoid spreading the NCOV19 disease. Starting 15MAR20 until 12APR20 travel restrictions will be in...

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

DOY Refreshments

Hi Everyone, If you are looking for affordable, delicious, and yummy meals that suit your budget Doy Refreshment is here to help. DOY is an old English endearment word that means "My Friend". It started in October 2019 where Andrew Castillo, a colleague of mine kick off selling these meals as...

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