Wednesday, April 10, 2019

iStariray23 Photos - Norte

Jaen Nueva Ecija

"The sky serves as a gentle reminder of the delicate balance between light and darkness, a metaphor for the ups and downs of life."

Inahing Manok

Ilog ng Jaen Nueva Ecija

"In the expanse of the sky, we find tranquility, a respite from the chaos and noise below."

Mount Arayat sa Kalayuan

"Through rain or shine, the sky offers its comforting presence, a constant companion in our journey through life."

Mount Arayat sa Kalayuan

"The sky ignites our inner child, encouraging us to chase after dreams and reach for the impossible."

"Gazing at the night sky, we find comfort in the constancy of the stars, a reminder that some things remain unchanged."

North Tollgate Manila Bound

Dapit hapon sa Las PiΓ±as

"With every sunrise, the sky whispers promises of a new beginning, illuminating our path forward."


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