Sunday, October 14, 2018


Rise Up and Shine

And this is the wonderful view right outside my bedroom door

How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. . .
And when I wake up, you are still with me! (Psalm 139: 17, 18)

"The morning whispers secrets of possibility, reminding us that today holds the power to shape our destiny." 

"In the stillness of the morning, find solace and clarity, as the world awakes with endless possibilities." 

"The morning sun peeks through the horizon, casting its golden rays upon the earth, illuminating our path towards greatness." 

"With the rising sun comes the promise of a new day, filled with hope, gratitude, and endless opportunities." 

"Each morning is nature's way of reminding us to embrace the beauty of life, to appreciate the simple joys that surround us." 

"The early morning dew glistens on the grass, a gentle reminder that even the smallest moments hold beauty and significance." 

"Mornings are a gentle reminder that time is a precious gift, urging us to seize the day and make every moment count." 

"As the world awakens, so does our inner strength, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead with courage and resilience." 

"Each morning offers a fresh start, an opportunity to let go of yesterday's worries and embrace the limitless potential of today." 

"The dawn breaks, revealing a world full of possibilities, urging us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace growth." 

"The morning sunrays dance upon the leaves, whispering tales of resilience and the power of starting anew." 


Location: Las Pinas, Metro Manila, Philippines

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