Wednesday, July 17, 2019

iStariray23 Photos - Rainy Ayala Avenue, Makati City

Raining Moments in Ayala Makati City

"Rainy weather is nature's invitation to slow down, embrace stillness, 
and appreciate the simple joys of life."

"The pitter-patter of rain provides a comforting rhythm, 
offering solace to those seeking solace in the midst of chaos."

She was passionate about the rain and I was passionate about the way she loved it.
It was that way with everything.
It is safe to say that if I didn’t have her, there would be no fire in me at all

– Christopher Poindexter

"The rain showers upon us countless blessings, from the gift of water that sustains all life to the symphony of raindrops that serenade our hearts."  

"In the heart of a rainy season, we witness the resilience of nature, as it endures the storms and emerges stronger, teaching us the power of perseverance."  

"The rain embraces us with its gentle touch, offering comfort and solace, as its presence wraps around us like a soft, comforting blanket."  


Location: Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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