Sunday, June 30, 2019

Rainy Season Just Startin'

And it feels like rain
So batten down the hatches, baby
Leave your heart out on your sleeve
It looks like we're in for stormy weather
That ain't no cause for us to leave
Just lie here in my arms
And let it wash away the pain

"The rainy season is a symphony of nature's tears, where the sky weeps and the Earth rejoices, as droplets of rejuvenation cascade upon us, nurturing both the land and our souls."

"With the arrival of the rainy season, the world transforms into a watercolor masterpiece, where every drop of rain paints vibrant strokes across the canvas of life, refreshing and renewing all that it touches."

"In the midst of the rainy season, the heavens open up, gifting us with a gentle deluge that washes away our worries and whispers serenity into our hearts, reminding us of the beauty found in surrendering to the rhythm of nature."

Oh, this is a gloomy Makati City today. . .
la, la, la, la. . . .

This is actually my favorite part of the year- Rainy Season
I just love the smell of fresh earth watered by the sky...

"Rainy weather carries with it a sense of nostalgia, as the pitter-patter of raindrops on rooftops evokes memories of cozy evenings spent by the fire, sipping hot cocoa, and losing ourselves in the enchantment of a good book."

"The rainy season is mother nature's lullaby, as the rhythmic melody of rainfall soothes our restless minds, inviting us to slow down, reflect, and find solace in the gentle embrace of the storm."

"In the embrace of rainy weather, the world appears to slow down, as if nature herself is urging us to pause, take a deep breath, and find beauty in the simplest moments, be it the reflection of city lights on wet pavements or the shimmering dance of raindrops on leaves."


Location: Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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