Monday, January 21, 2019

Morning Sky

Woke up at 0451 and fell in love with the view of this morning sky.

Indeed so lovely, magnificent, and lovely.

"Looking up at the sky, 
we are reminded of the vastness of the universe and our place within it."

"Each cloud in the sky tells a story, 
forming shapes that spark our imagination and ignite our creativity."

"The sky serves as a mirror, reflecting our hopes, dreams, and aspirations back to us."

"The sky acts as a celestial roof, protecting us and reminding us that we are part of something greater."

"Gazing at the night sky, we find comfort in the constancy of the stars, 
a reminder that some things remain unchanged."

"The sky serves as a gentle reminder of the delicate balance between light and darkness, a metaphor for the ups and downs of life."


Location: Las Pinas, Metro Manila, Philippines

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